Saturday, September 27, 2008

Living and Learning

Most of us die before we are fully born.We don't realize our potentials.We know humanbeings are wonderful creatures of this universe.They have a very marvelous creative mind.He created time,eventhough he was later ruled by time!!.
So how do the learning take place so that we would realise our potentials?.We learn from modelling.We don't learn from being told.We learning from watching and observing people.We demand our kids to learn to love,learn to respect and learn the joy of life without offering them any role models!!Every time we learn something new, we become something new-and that's education!!.Education is a process of constant change.There are thousands of things to read,to see, to touch and to feel and each of them makes you a new person!!So you must make your life through this numerous experiences and no one else can do it for you.
As long as you learn,as long as you are willing to take your life in your hand and kiss it and go on from there, then there is agrowth,then there is a life.*
*This is a summary i wrote after reading the book "Living, Loving and Learning" by Leo F. Buscaglia.

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