Saturday, September 27, 2008

Living and Learning

Most of us die before we are fully born.We don't realize our potentials.We know humanbeings are wonderful creatures of this universe.They have a very marvelous creative mind.He created time,eventhough he was later ruled by time!!.
So how do the learning take place so that we would realise our potentials?.We learn from modelling.We don't learn from being told.We learning from watching and observing people.We demand our kids to learn to love,learn to respect and learn the joy of life without offering them any role models!!Every time we learn something new, we become something new-and that's education!!.Education is a process of constant change.There are thousands of things to read,to see, to touch and to feel and each of them makes you a new person!!So you must make your life through this numerous experiences and no one else can do it for you.
As long as you learn,as long as you are willing to take your life in your hand and kiss it and go on from there, then there is agrowth,then there is a life.*
*This is a summary i wrote after reading the book "Living, Loving and Learning" by Leo F. Buscaglia.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Do you want to study human minds from their handwritings?Well, the answer is with Graphology.Graphology is the study and analysis of handwriting in relation to human psychology.The following are the tips for you!!!!
  • People with artisctic minds use beautiful signs and dots in their writings.For example,they use small circle instead of '.' for 'i'.
  • Introvert's letters look like "hammered".We feel that the letters have been trampled on.
  • The philosophical minds use curls and circles in their letters.
  • Inconsistent persons will have inconsistent style of writing.Different styles at different times.
  • Sincere people will have highly vertical letters.
  • If the letters are very complicated and even the writer can't read it, surely it belongs to a stubborn person!!!
  • Right inclination for highly loyal and modest people.
  • Left inclination for reserved people.
  • If you are a diplomatic person,your letters will be easily differentiable.
  • Selfish people are easily identifiable with their lean and tall letters!!

"good luck" SherlockHolmes

Monday, September 15, 2008


I wish to walk in rain
I wish to walk in rain
Walking in the rain
I wish to splash the water puddle
Splashing the water puddle
I wish to cry like a frog
Crying like a frog
I wish to dance in the rain
Dancing in the rain
I wish to call my teacher
Calling my teacher
I wish to dance with her
Dancing with my teacher
I wish to be a child ever!!!

It was written in 2008 for my niece.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Why do i Blog?

Some people take some oaths or firm decisions on their birth days. I have never exercised such a practise.If i want to do something, i just do it.But this time i have decided to start blogging.It was my birthday on 12-9-2008(Thiruvonam day!!!).Psychologists say there is a strong urge in every normal human being to make their sound heeded.So by starting blogging,i also fall to the category of"Normal People" hihihi.Oh i am not a psychologist.I am a Physics teacher by profession!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My approach to Teaching-Learning process

My approach to Teaching-Learning process
“What we have done for ourselves die with us, but what we do for others and the world remains and are immortal” This is how teaching becomes a noble profession. Teachers are always a boon to society. Through their intelligence, patience and wisdom, they attempt to create a well-rounded personality. They are the ones who make a difference in the lives of their students. Rousing students from their apathy and watching their curiosity grow is one of the biggest rewards of teaching.
Teaching learning process will be effective if the teacher can immediately come to the level of the students, and think through their mind. For the teaching learning process to be effective,
the children is involved in the work they are doing and ‘own’ part of it because they have helped to plan it;
what the child brings to the task has been noted and taken into account thus helping to match the task to the child;
there is an emphasis on framing and solving problems;
each child is helped to make sense of the world they live in;
there is lots of working co-operatively in groups, organised to take into account continuity and progression;
concrete experiences are used as starting points;
when the content of the work is organised, targets and outcomes are built into the programme. There will be flexibility so that children can go off at tangents within the first hand practical experiences;
the teacher’s role is as a facilitator so that the child does not rely on adult supervision all the time;
each child is encouraged to collect data and given time to analyse it and translate it into appropriate end products;
there is evidence of a blend of integrated activities where areas of experience merge;
record-keeping is thorough and realistic;
all areas of the curriculum are dealt with during each term.

So to ensure an effective class room for the students, a good teacher should
always recognize and minimize worry and tension;
makes children feel good about themselves, recognising that they are individuals and need individual attention;
believe strongly in a work ethos and on-task behaviour, but does this without negative pressure;
view the children and parents in a positive way and understands that there should be a working partnership;
avoid shouting and bullying the students .But he is a quiet, firm disciplinarian who sees positive control as a means to exciting learning;
emphasise praise rather than criticism;
recognise and use children’s enthusiasm, talent and individuality;
see outcomes as varying and interesting; sees a wide-ranging curriculum as the best way to incorporate basic skills;
see creativity and curiosity as the key to learning experiences;
see change as positive and necessary in any inspired institution;
vary teaching styles to suit the content and the children.